Tulloch Steading, Lumphanan


Tulloch Steading, Lumphanan, Banchory, AB31 4QP

Offers Over £180,000

Aberdeen & Northern Estates
Aberdeen & Northern Estates
Aberdeen & Northern Estates

Traditional steading complex and yard area extending to 2,550m2 or thereby with planning permission in principle for development of 3 dwellinghouses.


To view the property or for further information please contact:
Mr Ferries 01339 883238 or Aberdeen & Northern Estates 01467 623800


From Banchory, travel west on the A93 road, travelling through Kincardine O’Neil and turning right where signposted ‘Lumphanan and Alford’. Continue on this road for approximately 3 miles before turning left where signed ‘Whitehouse’. Travel along this road for around 1.5 miles and Tulloch Steading will be on the right. The exact location of the property is shown on the attached OS plan.


Tulloch steading is situated in a quiet and picturesque part of historic Royal Deeside and enjoys uninterrupted views to the south over farmland and hills beyond. The site comprises a traditional steading with infill court, further outbuildings and yard area extending to approximately 2,550m2 in total. Planning permission in principle was granted on 23 December 2019 for 3 detached dwellinghouses (indicative site plan attached). The existing buildings are redundant and would require to be demolished prior to development. Further information can be found on the Aberdeenshire Council planning portal website using the reference code APP/2019/2383.


Offers should be submitted in full Scottish legal terms and be forwarded to this office.

Local Authority

Aberdeenshire Council, Marr Area Office, School Road, Alford, AB33 8TY


  1. Prospective purchasers should note that unless their interest is formally intimated to the selling agents following inspection, the agents cannot guarantee that notice of a closing date for offers will be advised and consequently the property may be sold without notice.
  2. Any areas, measurements or distances referred to are given as a guide only.


By agreement.


Private water and electricity connections are understood to be available close by with drainage to be to septic tanks. The purchaser will be responsible for all service connections.

Contact Our Agent

James Presly MRICS FAAV


01467 623800


Aberdeen & Northern Estates

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